Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to the 2018 school year! I hope that you all had an enjoyable holiday break. The Grade 5s showed that they were excited to be back and have had a busy start this Term, jumping straight back into their learning, working as a team and being good role models to their younger peers. The students also met their Grade 1 Buddies on the second day of school and since then have enjoyed listening to them read in the mornings. We had students Mahnoor Fayyaz and Ibrahim Mansuri present their house vice-captain speeches during morning assembly. We wish them the best of luck. Further, our class has been delighted to see how much their organic zucchinis and eggplants have grown!

Grade 5 Class 2018
Grade 5 Class 2018
Click images to enlarge

We have a new member and class captain Zaid Al Shamis. The following is a short passage written by Zaid:

‘Hi my name is Zaid Al Shamis and I am the Grade 5 class captain for Term 1. This is my first year at this school and I am excited to see what happens during my time here. I like to make people happy and I enjoy sports and Art.’

Our focus areas for our learning are the following:

Just a friendly reminder that homework needs to be fully completed and is due Friday mornings.

Wishing you all a wonderful term,

Miss Funda Avan
Grade 5 Teacher